This document is meant to inform the User of the online and offline services offered by Eyevestor B.V. (hereinafter: “Eyevestor”), as well as of both of our rights and duties. Please refer to the last chapter: Eyevestor is meant for a better world.
It is important that you read this document before accepting the Terms and Conditions set out herein. As with all terms and conditions this document contains legal terms as well as new terms. We focussed on creating an as clear as possible document.
Our terms and conditions, services and agreements are included in this document (except for our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer, which we encourage you to get acquainted with: - in the footer).
Before you can create and activate your profile on you are required to accept the Terms and Conditions laid out in this document, including agreeing to the payment of certain services. For more information please visit:
Eyevestor modernizes old ways of doing things and applies certain definitions that are grounded in Eyevestor’s principles.
- Membership fees: The amount that an Eyeventure pays to Eyevestor B.V. for the use of Eyevestor for the related Eyeventure.
- Account: The account of a user within an Eyeventure. A user can have more than one account within an Eyeventure and be a user of multiple Eyeventures.
- Account Type: Each account will be assigned an account type by the Eyeventure Holder. Different rules and terms (set by the Eyeventure Holder) may apply with respect to each account type.
- General Terms and Conditions: The terms and conditions set forth in this document.
- Payment Partner: bunq is the trade name of bunq B.V. bunq B.V. is registered in the Business Register under number 54992060 and is supervised by the Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) and De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). You can find its license in the register on the DNB website. bunq’s VAT number is NL851519945B01. Our address is Naritaweg 131-133, 1043 BS in Amsterdam.
- Escrow Account: The Escrow Account of Stichting Derdengelden Eyevestor (SDE) is registered at the Chamber of Commerce under # 67781993. It is solely for the use of temporary management of flow of funds from the seller to the buyer and from the seller to relevant Eyeventures for transaction fees stemming from the Eyeventure Agreement.
- Dividend: Declaration of dividend from profits as established by the Eyeventure. Dividends can be paid in cash or in issuance of Eyecons.
- Security: A legally recognized financial instrument.
- Eyecon Holder: The user that holds or acquires a position in Eyecons issued by an Eyeventure.
- Eyecon Agreement: Each digital agreement between two users that gets entered on the Eyevestor platform. The agreement relates to the issuance of new Eyecons or the transfer of existing Eyecons.
- Eyecons: Digital units issued by Eyeventures. An Eyecon is linked to an existing financial security and is no derivative thereof. It is not the intention for the Eyecon to qualify as a derivative.
- Eyeventure terms: The terms set by the Eyeventure and made visible by the Eyeventure, related to the same Eyeventure and its users. In case of a conflict between the Eyeventure terms and the General Terms and Conditions, the latter prevails.
- Eyeventure: The pages setup by the business and/or organization which is allowed on the Eyevestor Platform.
- Eyeventure Holder: The business and/or organization that manages the Eyeventure on the Eyevestor Platform. This task can be assigned to a third party.
- Eyeventure Agreement: The agreement entered into between Eyevestor and the Eyeventure Holder in connection with the setup of an Eyeventure and required for acceptance to the Eyevestor platform (by agreeing to the general terms and conditions in this document).
- Eyevestor platform: The online social and transaction platform setup by Eyevestor for Eyeventures and their Users.
- Eyevestor: Eyevestor B.V., Europalaan 500, 3526 KS in Utrecht. Registered at the Chamber of Commerce under number 67783309.
- User(s): Each legal entity or adult individual (minimum of 18 years of age) who is registered on the Eyevestor Platform and has accepted the general terms and conditions in this document.
- User Agreement: The agreement that arises between a user and Eyevestor upon registration of the user on the Eyevestor Platform.
- ECO Transaction: (Eyeventure//Eyecon/Equity Community Offering) Issuance of new Eyecons of an Eyeventure.
- Buyer / Seller: Users who buy or sell Eyecons within an Eyeventure.
- Market-Place: The online platform of an Eyeventure within which bilateral Eyecon Agreements arise.
- Organization: A legal entity or legal partnership that has the authority to act on behalf of a user organization and has registered the organization as a user.
- Other Expenses: Expenses related to Eyevestor services or third party services used by the Eyeventure and/or other users.
- Transaction Fees: (i) The amount charged to the Seller by Eyevestor in relation to closing an Eyecon Agreement, (ii) The amount charged to an Eyeventure by Eyevestor for the transmission of Dividend payments and processing of Dividends.
- Transfer (Transaction Type): (i) A Free of Payment (FOP) transfer of Eyecons based on an existing agreement, (ii) A Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) transfer of Eyecons with payment for an impending agreement, (iii) All buy and sell transactions of Eyecons Delivery versus Payment (DVP) and delivery of Eyecons against payment.
- Vesting (Transaction Type): An Eyecon Agreement whereby a set number of Eyecons gets transferred over a set period. These can be either FOP or DVP
- Wft: Wet op het financieel toezicht, as amended from time to time. The law on financial supervision.
- These general terms and conditions are applicable between Eyevestor and each user and between users.
- Eyevestor is a platform that brings other organizations and their stakeholders together based on common interest. Organizations use Eyevestor to strengthen their relationships with their stakeholders through digitization of their securities; by means of creation of an Eyeventure and issuance of Eyecons. Based on current applicable legislation and regulations, Eyevestor opted for digitization of certification of shares, bearer shares and membership rights. Subsequently, an Eyeventure will create an account for its certificate holder(s), shareholders, or members (depending on whether the issuance relates to a certificate, a share or membership rights). Eyevestor offers Eyeventures and (potential) Eyeconholder in-platform communication options. Both the Eyeventure and the Eyeconholders have access to the Eyeventure’s marketplace where bilateral agreements come into place within set terms and conditions.
- Eyevestor does not provide any advice with respect to investing, the Eyecon agreement, the price, and/ or the terms and conditions set by the Eyeventure. Eyeventure abstains from providing any advice or opinion with respect to the state of the Eyeventure and/or the related risks of entering into an Eyecon agreement with the Eyeventure. Nothing Eyevestor says or does can be construed as the provision of financial or investment advice.
- A user registers online through the Eyeventure website. The user will be asked to confirm their registration via email to make the registration final.
- Registration is only possible upon acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. The registration effectively creates a user agreement between the user and Eyevestor.
- A user can create one or more Eyeventures on the platform once the registration is complete. Depending on the terms set by the Eyeventure, a user may be able to request the creation of an account with the Eyeventure or to make an investment.
- A user can only enter into an Eyecon agreement as buyer or seller, after an Eyeventure has created an account for a (potential) Eyeconholder and after verifying a user’s profile (through for example an SMS-verification).
- Further, the registration with an Eyeventure allows the users to use the communication channels on the Eyeventure’s platform.
- An Eyeventure should complete necessary forms to confirm the Terms and Conditions in order to enter into a user agreement.
- A user has no right (or claim) toward the Eyevestor because the user opened an Eyeventure for issuing Eyecons. The decision to make a payment on the Eyeventure agreement is for the risk and account of the user.
- Specific terms apply within an Eyeventure with respect to the use of the Eyeventure’s platform and with respect to Purchases and Sales. Furthermore, this agreement covers the rights and obligations applicable to the Eyecon and account type. These rights and duties are determined based (among others) on the underlying security linked to the Eyecon, based on relevant notarial deeds with respect to the Eyeventure and Eyeventure’s specific terms and conditions.
- Eyeventures can digitize existing legal agreements and/ or enter into new agreements and digitize these. Certain delivery terms may apply for a transaction with an Eyecon to come into effect, such as a notarial deed. Users will be notified of the delivery terms applicable per Eyecon.
- Eyevestor is a software as a service platform. Eyevestor is not under supervision of the “Autoriteit Financiële Markten” or De Nederlandsche Bank (The Dutch central Bank).
- Payments on Eyevestor are made through a third-party account with Stichting Derdengelden Eyevestor (SDE). All balances are kept through SDE which is independent from Eyevestor and its users, for and on the behalf of users.
- Purchaser and Eyeconholder are aware of the fact that investing in Eyeventures is subject to high risk.
- User will only invest a responsible portion of its available investment capital in Eyeventures.
- User will spread his/her risks by spreading investments across multiple Eyeventures.
- User is aware that Eyevestor does not provide investment advice. The Eyeventures shown on Eyevestor cannot be considered as investment advice from Eyevestor. Only public and semi-public Eyeventures are shown. A user makes its own decisions with respect to investments on Eyevestor, with or without help from an advisor.
- The Eyeventure has its own responsibility in its assessment of weighing its intended targets and the possible risks involved in setting up an Eyeventure, the related costs and the issuance of Eyecons. We advise you to consult your own advisor.
- It is the Eyeventure’s own responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations related to its respective Financial regulator. For the Dutch Eyeventures this means the Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) with specific focus to the Wft, her duty to care and duty to a prospectus and all other duties by law and regulation, related to administering and setting up an Eyeventure.
More can be found on the website of the AFM. As an example, on this page it says the following under the heading: Exemption: (quoted in Dutch):
“Op de verplichting om een goedgekeurd prospectus algemeen verkrijgbaar te stellen bestaan een aantal vrijstellingen. Een goedgekeurd prospectus is bijvoorbeeld niet verplicht wanneer de effecten een nominale waarde hebben van meer dan €100.000. Bedraagt de totale waarde van de aanbieding minder dan €2,5 miljoen, dan is een goedgekeurd prospectus ook niet verplicht. Zo zijn er nog een aantal vrijstellingen op de prospectusplicht. Deze kunt u vinden in hoofdstuk 5.1 Wft en in de Vrijstellingsregeling Wft.
Wanneer effecten worden aangeboden of toegelaten tot de handel onder toepassing van een vrijstelling, is een vrijstellingsvermelding verplicht. De vorm van deze vermelding is voorgeschreven.”
informal translation:
“Several exemptions exist to the obligation to make an approved prospectus available. For example, an approved prospectus is not mandatory when the securities have a nominal value of more than € 100,000. If the total value of the offer in a year does not exceed € 2.5 million, then an approved prospectus is also not mandatory. There are some additional exemptions on the prospectus requirement. These can be found in Chapter 5.1 Wft and in the Wft Exemption Scheme.
When securities are offered or admitted to trading by way of exemption, an exemption declaration is mandatory. The form of this listing is required.”
The AFM has advised they will amend the Exemption regulation in due course.
- As Investor I am aware of what I am investing in, I understand that:
- Investing in Eyeventures is very risky, I can afford a 100% loss.
- I should only invest a conservative portion of my investable assets in an Eyeventure.
- It can take a long time before my investment can make a return.
- I should diversify my investment portfolio.
- There may not always be liquidity in the Eyecons I invest in.
- The information provided may not have been validated by professional service providers.
I will have done the necessary due diligence and take full responsibility for my investment
- Good Governance of an organisation protects the interest of the stakeholders, shareholders, employees and others involved in companies and organisations.
- Act and transact as you like to be treated. Communicate as you like to be communicated to. Report as you want to be reported to. Inform as you want to be informed. Good management and governance is about norms, values and culture, where culture has everything to do with norms and values. We entrust good governance and management of interest is applied by all users.
- We maintain the right to point out, advise and, if needed, to block users if we deem it prudent and/ or if there is lack of good governance.
- As a user you are required to identify yourself. In first instance, you would do this through email confirmation or through login via social media platform. If you already hold an account, you would have gone through their verification process. After that, depending the action you take, you also may be required to confirm your bank account and your mobile phone number. We strive for everybody to personalise his or her profile but do not make it a requirement, unless required for certain action on Eyevestor or required by the Eyeventure.
- We maintain the right to request additional personal verification, which can mean a valid copy of your identity card or passport. If you are operating as a legal entity we may require you to provide a recent extract of your Chamber of Commerce or equivalent registration of your organisation.
- If we find you have not identified yourself or cooperate sufficiently, we maintain the right to temporarily block or cancel your account. It is up to you as the user to provide proof that you are who you say you are, in case the user is of the opinion that we have unfairly (temporarily) blocked his/her account. The User can report him/herself to Eyevestor.
- With the confirmation of your bank account we may require a €0,01 payment.
- We may also require you to provide the date or place of birth or your “Burgerservicenummer” (national identity number) in your profile. Eyevestor will respect relevant laws and regulation for recording and maintaining personal data.
- Changes within your profile are the User’s responsibility and should be made within 24 hours, once applicable.
- As a person you are not allowed to create multiple user profiles.
- In case you come to pass, we expect to be formally informed as soon as possible and at least no later than 30 days by the competent inheritor or executor of your estate. Before we hand the account to someone else we require relevant proof to be provided.
- As long as we are not informed of your death we will likely continue acting upon instructions and we cannot be held responsible.
- If we discover that you passed away we will have the right to block your account for as long as we are not formally informed. If there are costs related to Eyevestor,we will have the right to apply reasonable charges to your account.
- In case of bankruptcy, seizure or other legal charges upon you, you or your legal entity are to immediately inform us in writing. We maintain the right to follow instructions and to freeze your eyecon position and all rights to your accounts or close your account, until clarity has been demonstrated. Within reason we will cooperate but also retain the right to charge related costs to your account.
Eyevestor processes personal data as part of its services. This processing of personal data is done in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act [Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens], as further described in our Privacy Policy available through the Eyevestor website. The Privacy Policy is integral to our General & Use Terms. By accepting our General & Use Terms the Privacy Policy is also accepted.
The Eyevestor website and the Eyevestor platform are copyrighted. Eyevestor Holding B.V., which company holds a controlling interest in Eyevestor is the holder of these rights, with the exception of the rights relating to the information relating to the Eyeventure. It is not permitted to reproduce or publish the data on the website without the written permission of Eyevestor.
- Eyevestor devotes the utmost care to the reliability and actuality of the data on the Eyevestor platform. Inaccuracies and omissions may occur. Eyevestor is not liable for damage resulting from inaccuracies or incompleteness in the information provided, or in the event of damage caused by or inherent to the dissemination of information through the Internet, such as interruptions, errors, and/ or or delays in providing information or services by Eyevestor or the Organisations to Eyevestor.
- Texts provided on Eyevestor related to Eyeventures only reflect the views of the Eyeventures and their organizations. Eyevestor only plays a facilitating role as software vendor, by providing the Eyevestor platform with the appropriate facilities. Eyevestor does not make any judgment about the chance of success of any Eyeventure and the risks associated with making an investment or entering into an Eyecon Agreement. Eyevestor is in no way responsible for this, unless there is intent or gross negligence of Eyevestor, and a decision to make an investment is therefore entirely at the expense and risk of the Buyer.
- The liability of Eyevestor is at all times limited to compensation for direct damage, except for intentional or gross negligence on the part of Eyevestor, but never more than which Eyevestor receives any benefit on account of its corporate liability insurance. Eyevestor is never liable for indirect damages, including lost profits, lost savings, reduced goodwill, business malfunction, damage resulting from third party claims, loss of data and consequential loss. Management or other legal representatives of Eyevestor shall never be liable for any damage, unless there is intentional or gross negligence and again limited to the amount of liability insurance its directors are covered for.
- Eyevestor is entitled to amend or remove the contents of Eyevestor without notice at any time.
- The user agreement is entered into for an undetermined period of time.
- Eyevestor may end the user agreement immediately, without giving a written notice (which includes e-mail), and suspend its obligations to the user when:
- Users don’t comply, don’t comply timely or don’t comply fully with their obligations to Eyevestor after having been summoned and given a term of 7 business days to comply;
- Eyevestor, after having registered the user agreement, becomes aware of circumstances or facts that give good reason to believe the user may not comply to its obligations from the user agreement;
- Circumstances present itself which are of such nature that compliance would not be possible or that compliance cannot be expected of Eyevestor;
- A user places unlawful/wrongful information on the Eyevestor platform;
- Bankruptcy of the user has been filed or a request for suspension of payment or legal debt restructuring has been filed for/with respect to the user;
- There is a lawful obligation to do so;
- It is needed for the discretion of Eyevestor, if there is a well-founded reason. Example of a well-founded reason is, by law and/or a reputational risks for Eyevestor and it cannot be expected of Eyevestor to accept these risks.
- As soon as the User Agreement is terminated Eyevestor is entitled to deny the user access to the Eyevestor platform and remove placed content.
- If Eyevestor makes use of one of the possibilities named above, it does not affect the application of the agreement made between users and/ or the application of the Terms and Conditions.
- If Eyevestor makes use of one of the possibilities named above, Eyevestor is not in any way held to pay a compensation for costs or damages that may occur due to the steps taken.
- Users may not use Eyevestor for:
- That which contradicts/is contrary to the purpose of Eyevestor as stated in the statutes and Terms and Conditions.
- That which is discriminatory, excessive in a positive or negative way, unsuited or harmful to the user itself and/or other users, Eyeventures or Eyevestor. Also no manipulative, false, fraudulent or boastful information that may cause a user damage due to your actions or actions of a third party appointed by you.
- If an article in these Terms and Conditions is ruled invalid or not binding, it does not affect the validity of the remaining articles.
- Dutch law is applicable on these Terms and Conditions and all non contractual obligations resulting from the Terms and Conditions. All disputes in response to these Terms and Conditions will be submitted to the judge in Amsterdam.
- Articles in the Terms and Conditions that are intended to remain applicable after the User Agreement, Eyenture Agreement or Eyecon Agreement is terminated will remain applicable after the User Agreement, Eyenture Agreement or Eyecon Agreement is terminated or after a transaction has taken place based on the Eyecon Agreement.
- Eyevestor may amend articles in the Terms and Conditions. If this is the case, Eyevestor will ensure that every user is informed of the changes before the date of entry.
- It is our intent to keep you, the users, sufficiently informed. We also expect that Eyeventures keep their (potential) Eyeconholders sufficiently informed. Inside every Eyeventure platform there are communication opportunities. Our ambition is that every function and possibility is improved and enlarged.
- We may contact, e-mail or invite you, as a user, to meet.
- We also offer you the possibility to contact us by using different online and offline channels found on the platform and present on our website.
- If we contact you, we will do so in an appropriate and social manner. For some forms of communication you will have the option to unsubscribe or subscribe. You cannot unsubscribe from all communications originating from Eyevestor as long as you are a user. For certain actions and transactions, it is necessary to communicate with you what these actions and transactions mean and what their consequences may be.
- You are responsible for ensuring that you are aware of the communication that you receive. We cannot be held responsible for communications that you have missed, to the extent we or other users have communicated with you via the email address you provide.
- It is expected of you that you communicate appropriately in all channels of communication and that you show mutual respect to others and treat them the way you would want to be treated. In the community channels on and off the platform you are not to insult, discriminate, encourage hatred or express that which may affect the value and appreciation of Eyevestor and/or Eyeventures in any way.
- If you believe that other users are misbehaving, we would appreciate it if you would let us and the concerning Eyeventureholders know. We reserve the right to take down placed messages.
- We will never ask you for security sensitive information like your password, so do not give this out under any circumstance if asked.
- In the event that we send you incorrect information, no rights may be derived from it.
Complaints can be filed by e-mail at You will receive an answer within five days where the next steps will be shared. Eyevestor will attempt to resolve the complaint as fast as possible. However, Eyevestor is not in any way responsible for actions or obligations of a user.
- By accepting an offer an Eyecon Agreement is established between the buyer and the seller.
- The Eyecon agreement shall consist of providing Eyecons free of payment or versus payment, by the Eyeventureholder or Eyeconholder within the Eyeventure to the buyer.
- The Eyeventure terms on which an Eyecon agreement is based can differ per Eyeventure and are mentioned in the Eyeventure environment of the Eyevestor platform.
- Following payment by the buyer to the payment partner the Eyecon agreement will be concluded.
- The selling price shall be paid to/transferred to “Stichting Derdengelden Eyevestor” (SDE). SDE will then pay the selling price to the buyer, minus transaction charges, which will be paid to the Eyeventure.
- Once the payment confirmation has been received from the payment partner the Eyecons will be irrevocably credited to the buyer after irrevocably debiting Eyecon from the seller.
- If the SDE is appointed as the paying address, then it is explicitly determined that the buyer can only pay to SDE and not directly to the seller. This means that the buyer has only complied with its payment obligation if the funds have been received on the Escrow Account (IBAN-account) of SDE. SDE then has an independent obligation to pay the received funds to the seller.
- Termination is excluded, unless this right is specifically granted. Transaction costs are due every time there is a transfer resulting from the termination.
- Termination is binding and cannot be one-sidedly revoked by the buyer.
- If the buyer does not pay within a period of 5 business days, the seller has the right to terminate the transaction.
- Termination cannot take place after a payment has already been made.
- Unless stated otherwise, all prices and rates are in Euros and excluding VAT. Eyevestor is entitled to change its prices at any given time. Prices that already have been agreed upon can only be changed after the subscription period. Eyevestor will adapt the prices to reason if deciding factors have changed since entering into the User Agreement.
- Changes to costs or charges will be actively communicated to Users and can be found on Payment must be made without suspension or set offs in the manner indicated by Eyevestor's reasonable payment terms. Eyevestor is at all times entitled to require the user to ensure both payment and other obligations are met prior to undertaking any transactions. The security is issued in the manner determined by Eyevestor.
- Eyevestor charges the recipient of funds for executing an Eyecon Agreement. In addition, Eyevestor charges Eyeventures for dividend payments. At the end of the month those costs are billed by Eyevestor to Eyeventure.
- By default, subscription and package prices for the Eyeventure are offered annually by Eyevestor BV. Monthly payments are possible at higher prices. Each subscription or package is monthly adjustable or cancellable after year one. By creating an Eyeventure you confirm agreement with these General- & Use Terms and Pricing terms.
- Other costs: others costs such as transaction costs for additional accounts will be collected per transaction or at the end of every month, by direct debit, 10 days after billing.
- Offered services by partners or third parties will be clearly stated and are to be approved by the User before the service is delivered.
- Eyevestor is not liable for costs made by Users that may or may not be related to the use of Eyevestor.
- Invalid use of transfers is not allowed.
- We built an infrastructure where security of your personal data is top priority.
- Nevertheless we advise you to change your password regularly.
- Despite the care and high measures we take, we can never exclude the possibility of fraud and theft. We cannot accept responsibility, not even if your information is easy to find for unauthorized personnel.
- If you suspect that something has been done with your data or your account by unauthorized personnel, we advise you to contact us directly.
- Never give sensitive information to third parties. We will never ask you for your password. Be alert.
- The use of Eyevestor and the information available on Eyevestor and in Eyeventures is not intended as and does not constitute an offer of securities in a place that, or to a person to whom, making such an offer would not be lawful under the laws of any jurisdiction where this is not allowed. It is the responsibility of each Eyeventure and each User to ensure that all laws of each country relevant to their application are complied with. Each User must consult his professional advisers about the requirement of permission from the User's government, any other authority or comply with other required formalities to enable them to be the User of Eyevestor. Failure to comply with applicable restrictions may mean a violation of securities laws in those jurisdictions.
- It is possible that no action has been taken to register or qualify the Eyecons or the Eyecons Offer or to allow a public offer from the Eyecons in a jurisdiction outside the Netherlands or the country of registration of the Eyeventure.
- The Eyeventure does not constitute an offer to sell or an invitation to make an offer to purchase from Eyecons in the United States or to a US person (as defined by the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended (US Securities Act)) ) and is not available for individuals in the United States or for US people. The securities in the offer are not and will not be registered under the US Securities Act or the securities laws of any state of the United States and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to US persons, except in the context of an exemption from or in a transaction that is not subject to the registration requirements of the US Securities Act and applicable national securities laws.
- All information accessible on Eyevestor is only available to persons who visit the site from countries where it is permitted to do so. If you visit this site from a location where this is not allowed, you should not view it. By accessing Eyeventures you confirm, among other things, that you are a resident of a country where it is permitted to have access to Eyevestor and Eyeventures.
- In addition to American people, there are also residents of Afghanistan, Burma (Myanmar), Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Cuba, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moldova, Montenegro. , Nigeria, North Korea, Russia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Ukraine - Crimea region, United States, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Zimbabwe and Yemen excluded from the use of Eyevestor. Also residents from all other countries are excluded where an EU or Dutch sanction applies.
Last but not least. Hopefully you’ll get to this part :-).
Eyevestor aims to leave the world in a better shape than it found it. So consider us as a Social Enterprise, a B-Corp or a Social and culture-moving organisation. We see organisations, clubs and companies and their stakeholders as the main cradle of our society. If we can create more involvement, relationships and ambassadorship in organisations, then we’re well on our way. You can find out more about this on our website. Providing more liquidity in your own equity is therefore a logical step. Liquidity is nothing more than supply and demand. Without liquidity there is no value. The more recognition your own funds get, the more demand there will be for it. That’s why companies go to the stock market and investors to the stock exchange to find “insured” liquidity. If you have read this last chapter and endorse our mission, go to our facebook page, like us and share it publicly. Mention that your friends should read the last chapter of our Terms and Conditions. Once a year we select 5 people who have done this. These people can then reward an Eyeventure with a refund of 50% of the Eyeventure’s subscription fee.